Welcome to The Modern Mystic

Practical Spiritual Wisdom for Contemporary Seekers

Hi! I’m your host and creator of TMM, Hannah Rose Deacon. (You can just call me Hannah). I created this space to bring together seekers of all faiths, belief systems, and perspectives, with the purpose of sharing stories and teachings that translate to daily life. This is a space that aims to bridge the gaps between traditional spiritual wisdom as taught by the avatars & great mystics (Jesus Christ, Krishna, Buddha etc.), contemporary spiritual thought & psycho-spiritual + somatic approaches to healing.

The TMM Vision: To create a world led by Spirit, a world where every human being is awakened and connected to their divine nature.

The TMM Mission: To elevate the consciousness of the planet by helping contemporary spiritual seekers of all traditions and paths walk the path towards ultimate union with god.

Our Goals:

  • To illuminate the common barriers that keep modern-day spiritual seekers stuck in their evolution

  • To make spirituality practical and accessible to the contemporary spiritual seeker whilst honouring ancient spiritual traditions

  • To create holistic, inclusive, interfaith spaces that bridge traditional spirituality, new-age thought, and psycho-somatic healing for ultimate personal + communal spiritual transformation

  • To translate traditional spiritual wisdom and scripture to be relevant and practical for modern life

About the Author (The TMM Origin Story)

An old soul with the heart of an artist and the mind of a philosopher, restless to know God, and forever learning how to be human…

My journey of spirituality was in many ways, inherited. My father was, and still is, a Presbyterian minister and my mother was a school teacher before she retired.

I have vivd memories watching my dad preach on Sunday morning’s as a little girl. After the service was over and everyone had gathered in the hall for coffee and tea, I would visit the sanctuary, stand at the podium and address my imaginary congregation, dreaming of the day that I would have an audience of my own and preach the word of God.

My dad’s style of preaching focused on the concept of a loving god, with emphasis on the teachings of Jesus (as opposed to a vengeful god full of judgement.)

Still, when my parents separated and subsequently divorced at the age of 11, it was the beginning of my divorce from the Christian faith, and a journey I’d walk with depression for more than a decade.

At the tender age of 21, I experienced my first so called ‘spiritual awakening’ and was introduced to the new age world of spirituality, manifestation, and personal development. It was a welcome return to spirituality, but through a very different lens.

It was at this time that I discovered the work of a renowned psychiatrist and spiritual teacher who helped steer me back to God and re-contextualise the spiritual journey - Dr. David R. Hawkins. His work has been incredibly influential for me and still is to this day. Over the next decade I’d also explore Tibetan Buddhism, Yoga, and many psycho-somatic and energetic modalities of healing - which would ultimately lead to me ‘curing myself’ of depression (through God’s grace and guidance).

At 22 I graduated University with a business degree, left my home in Toronto and moved to Brisbane, Australia where my boyfriend was from, and started dabbling in the world of business, marketing and entrepreneurship. At 23 we got married. At 27 I fulfilled a life-long dream of recording my original songs and releasing them to the world as an independent singer-songwriter, and at 28 I launched my first coaching business as a holistic life and business coach.

By 30, I was still running my coaching business and creating music, but something was feeling off. I knew God was calling me to greater levels of service beyond what I could do as a coach or even an artist.

So at 31 years of age, with the support of my husband, and the clarity of a newly discovered vision, we moved back to Toronto, Canada, where I applied to Emmanuel College to study my Masters in Theology & Psycho-Spiritual Therapy, following in the footsteps of my father but with a contemporary twist.

Which brings us to today. July 2023. In September I begin my full time studies in Christian Ministry and Psycho-spiritual therapy.

The Modern Mystic is the companion I created to share what I’ve learned up until this point, and what I will continue to learn as I embrace my roots and walk the path of a ‘Spiritual Teacher-In-Training’.

I am by no means an enlightened teacher. But by sharing the journey I’ve walked so far, and the one I continue to walk, I hope to invite more contemporary seekers to join me as we discuss various spiritual concepts with a mixture of grace, humour, openness, and humanity.

Right now this project is spearheaded by me (Hannah). But I don’t intend on it being a one woman show. I desire to amplify other voices in this space - spiritual teachers and fellow modern mystics I believe are pure in heart and message.

I’m figuring this all out as I go, but if you resonate with any part of what I’ve shared, and you’d like to be a part of this conversation, I invite you to Subscribe below.

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Practical spiritual wisdom for the contemporary seeker. A space to explore God in daily life, bridging tradition, new thought & psycho-somatics. Enter your email below for Free & Paid inclusions, or click 'No Thanks' to peruse the archive!


Spiritual Guide, Artist & Holistic Mentor. Interfaith Theology & Psycho-Spiritual Therapy Student (MDiv, MPS starting Sept 2023)